two pies and hair dye

My daughter mentioned pumpkin pie on Friday, so yesterday I baked one. We made the crust from scratch. I thought about my co-workers who might share in the pie the coming week, and I thought about some of their gluten intolerances. So I made another pie with gluten free crust. I made an extra crust and froze it. Now I have pumpkin and apple pie in my house.

I purged toys. I bagged old clothes. I scrubbed the cupboards with bleach.

I made a Goodwill run, and on the way back I saw a picture in a window of a happy girl with pink hair. I’ve kind of missed some fun in my hair so I stopped and bought some hair dye.

Now I’m bleaching my hair. I am bleaching my own hair at home using my daughter’s old baby tupperware and a pair of gloves from a large cache we thought would help during the early days of lockdown. I have no idea what I’m doing and the bleach is burning my eyes, but I had to do it. I had to do this right now. So I’ve done it. I’ve dyed my hair before dinner and now I’m going to eat dinner and apple pie, and then I’ll do the dishes.

These are all of the things I did this weekend to avoid writing. Be careful the temptation to always be cleaning, ladies. It will keep you from your dreams. On the bright side, I have the skunk stripe I always wanted. Tomorrow I’ll dye it purple and orange for Halloween. And, I don’t know. Maybe I’ll make a quiche.