Let's Sing Down To The Town

We’re going to start a family band and Zelda is the songwriter. And the drummer. And singer, she has made it all very clear. Her songwriting is well underway.

It’s as if there’s a well leading to the source of all creativity and mostly we’re cut off from the well with our judgements and our standards and our theory. But when she sings, when she makes up lyrics and is free, I can see into the well. It glows from within her like a rainbow light. As Rick Rubin often says, making music is magic. Zelda is a practitioner of that magic, as many children are.

Let’s Sing Down To The Town
by Zelda Light

Down to the town
Where the wolves sing and bark
And the dogs bark too

Let’s go down to the town
Where we all sing and dream

It’s all we know
It’s all we know

Let’s go down to the town
I’m with you