music friday

I do seem to switch between music monday and music friday for these videos. Maybe next week I’ll shake it up with a wednesday tune.

Wednesday tune would be a cool name for a song. I’ve been thinking a lot about song names and song lyrics lately for my book which is about a band. I need to reference the imaginary songs and imaginary albums that this imaginary band has written, so if you’ve got any great song titles you’re willing to part with, share in the comments and it might end up in a book that may or may not be published one day.

Hard to believe I’m 20,000 words deep into this book as of today. That’s about a quarter of the way through a first draft. I love it. I love it so much. I love living in it, dreaming about it, researching for it. This is a book of my heart y’all. I cant wait to share it.

But that’s not why I’m writing. I’m writing to share this progress video on my guitar playing. I’ve been focused more on the solo track lessons than on chords. It’s definitely more fun, more my style. It’s so funny, I learn these songs and feel like a badass for playing what feel like difficult riffs, and then I watch the video and it’s like, the actual worst, haha. Plunking every note like a hammer, no variation in the sound, lots of tension in my fingers. And my face. Oh man I have the worst guitar solo face. Fun now, technique later. So here’s where I’m at a few more months in.